Let’s continue this event.
Thank you for your donation.
Your donation will be used to continue Young Scientists’ Night to give more opportunities for young generations and young professionals to make connections and strive for a better future and for our community.
We offer sponsorship packages as follows:
Your generous support would allow participants of all groups,
including students, to find the event not only affordable but also of
enriched agenda. We do our best to fill the night with various activities
including networking opportunities and speaker sessions.
We offer sponsorship packages as follows:
GOLD: $2000 +
- Sponsor Talk (10 mins)
- The recruiting table provided during the event.
- Recognized during the event.
- Large size logo included in the flyer.
- Photo banner.
SILVER: $1000+
- Recruiting table provided during the event.
- Recognized during the event.
- Medium size logo included in the flyer.
BRONZE: $500+
- BRONZE: $500+
- Recognized during the event.
- Small Logo included in the flyer.
COPPER: $100+
- Recognized during the event.
We believe opportunities like the Young Scientist Night (YSN) are pivotal in connecting and inspiring the many communities of scientists.
*Sponsor Talk will be 15 minutes of presentation, followed 5 minutes of Q&A.